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首頁(yè) > 新聞資訊HR如何提升技能服務(wù)好企業(yè)?
來(lái)源:http://www.sgfangdichan.com 發(fā)布人:創(chuàng )始人 日期:2024-06-10


1、 Assist business departments in organizing work objectives

要把握業(yè)務(wù)需求,應該搞清楚業(yè)務(wù)的戰略目標與年度規劃。然而,實(shí)際面臨的問(wèn)題卻是,多數企業(yè)并沒(méi)有設計清晰的戰略,甚年度規劃也僅僅是一個(gè)銷(xiāo)售數字,HR 所謂理解業(yè)務(wù)戰略根本無(wú)從談起,那么在這種情況下,HR 如何才能做到從業(yè)務(wù)出發(fā)呢。

To grasp business needs, it is necessary to first clarify the strategic goals and annual planning of the business. However, the actual problem faced by most enterprises is that they have not designed clear strategies, and even annual plans are only sales figures. It is impossible for HR to understand business strategies. In this situation, how can HR start from the business.

多數企業(yè)的業(yè)務(wù)運作,很難做到指哪打哪,往往是打哪指哪,沒(méi)有清晰的目標。然而,如果連業(yè)務(wù)部門(mén)本身對于接下來(lái)的方向都不甚清晰,又怎么能讓HR 提出相應的方案呢,在這種狀況下,HR 能做的,就只能是業(yè)務(wù)要什么,我們給什么,如果暫時(shí)沒(méi)有,則設計相應的管理辦法,可辦法出來(lái)了,卻發(fā)現不是業(yè)務(wù)想要的。

Most businesses find it difficult to target their business operations, often without clear goals. However, if even the business department itself is not very clear about the next direction, how can HR propose corresponding solutions? In this situation, what HR can do is only what the business needs and what we provide. If not, design corresponding management methods. However, when a solution is proposed, it is found that it is not what the business wants.

HR 需要幫助梳理公司工作目標和考核指標,并將公司目標和績(jì)效指標分解為部門(mén)目標和績(jì)效指標,再設置各項指標的目標值。接下來(lái),再將部門(mén)績(jì)效指標分解為員工績(jì)效指標,明確各員工的具體目標任務(wù)。


HR needs to first help sort out the company's work goals and performance indicators, and break down the company's goals and performance indicators into departmental goals and performance indicators, and then set target values for each indicator. Next, break down departmental performance indicators into employee performance indicators and clarify the specific goals and tasks of each employee.


2、 Guide the formulation of work plans

然而,令HR 頭疼的問(wèn)題,是如何設定合理的目標值。在此過(guò)程中,企業(yè)各部門(mén)總是在不斷地討價(jià)還價(jià),后勉強設置了,也時(shí)常做調整,考核不能真正得以實(shí)施,終只能走走形式,起不到多大的作用。

However, the headache for HR is how to set reasonable target values. In this process, various departments of the enterprise are constantly bargaining and reluctantly setting up, and often making adjustments. The assessment cannot be truly implemented and can only go through formalities, which does not play a significant role.

因而,所謂幫助業(yè)務(wù)部門(mén)設定考核目標,說(shuō)起來(lái)容易,實(shí)施起來(lái)卻相當困難。多數HR 會(huì )認為,業(yè)務(wù)部門(mén)自己都說(shuō)不清楚的事,HR 又能起到多大作用呢。

Therefore, helping business departments set assessment goals is easy to say, but quite difficult to implement. Most HR people would think that if the business department themselves cannot explain things clearly, how much role can HR play.

其實(shí),問(wèn)題的根源并不在于目標值是否準確,更在于目標是否清晰、明確。HR 幫助業(yè)務(wù)部門(mén)設定目標,不能僅僅停留在設置績(jì)效指標上,而應該將放在行動(dòng)計劃的編制上,也就是具體要做什么。

In fact, the root cause of the problem is not whether the target value is accurate, but rather whether the target is clear and explicit. HR should help business departments set goals, not just by setting performance indicators, but by focusing on the development of action plans, specifically what needs to be done.


3、 Translate requirements into requirements, refine HR requirements based on departmental requirements

在澄清了業(yè)務(wù)需求的基礎上,HR 需要從中提煉出HR 需求。如對于區域市場(chǎng)的拓展,屬于地域性銷(xiāo)售需求,因而HR 需要分析當前銷(xiāo)售人員的數量和質(zhì)量是否滿(mǎn)足需要; 行業(yè)拓展方面,是屬于領(lǐng)域銷(xiāo)售需求,因而HR 需要分析當前銷(xiāo)售人員的能力是否滿(mǎn)足需要; 某類(lèi)客戶(hù)拓展方面,則需要分析當前人員的深入溝通能力是否符合需要。此外,為了加大對于這些領(lǐng)域的開(kāi)拓力度,相配套的激勵措施、考核機制是否符合需要,這些方面都直接關(guān)系到業(yè)務(wù)目標和行動(dòng)計劃能否達成。

Based on clarifying the business requirements, HR needs to extract HR requirements from them. For the expansion of regional markets, it belongs to regional sales needs, so HR needs to analyze whether the current number and quality of sales personnel meet the needs; In terms of industry expansion, it belongs to the sales needs of professional fields, so HR needs to analyze whether the current sales personnel's abilities meet the needs; In terms of expanding certain types of customers, it is necessary to analyze whether the current personnel's in-depth communication skills meet the needs. In addition, in order to increase the exploration efforts in these fields, the matching incentive measures and assessment mechanisms are directly related to whether business goals and action plans can be achieved.

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